Friday, January 30, 2009

40 Jobs, 39 Years...

So I just got home from my last day at my most recent "gig." For the past couple of years I've been finding project management assignments from the good folks at Portfolio Staffing (if I was savvy enough, I'd know how to direct link to them, but I'm not, so you can find them at )

In theory, I am a good temp. I get to know people quickly and in the right balance (friendly and helpful but not going to reveal embarrassing personal information in line to get coffee), I'm typcially a quick learner, and because I ultimately have professional goals outside of the corporate realm, I don't have any particular agenda.

However, leaving so many places does wear me rather thin sometimes.

But one thing I've found, in my jaunts in and out of so many places, is that I never tire of work enviroments - the things people hang in their cubicles, the collective personalities that define an entire department not matter where you go (accounting, design, facilities, etc). Some day I will compile them into some kind of project.

I particularly enjoy any place that has an old fashioned pop corn machine and someone whose job it is to make the popcorn and send a mass email when it's fresh...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lia's Got a Blog...

So, anyone who knows me knows that I do not do things quickly... I truly love the everything about the full deliberation of making choices - the examination (and re-examination) of all angles, the playing out of possible scenarios, the deliciousness of being right about something agonized over.

Anyway, I've been contemplating a blog for quite some time. I had strong opinions about what I did not want the blog to be (3000 word rants about how someone cut me off in traffic, or what-seemed -like-a-good-idea-at-the-time personal revelation that didn't exactly come out the way I wanted...) What I have never exactly been able to determine is what the blog should be. Then I realized that I don't think it's something I can know until I...


I will say it already feels strange to be sitting here, even in "create a post" mode, knowing something will take on a life of its own out there in the web-world where time and space has odd boundaries that seem hard to wrap my head around. I feel like I am sitting in a giant auditorium and that maybe there are a half-dozen folding chairs set up.

I had wanted to talk about the name of this blog but I think that can wait.

I want to talk about the Academy Award noms that came out today. I want to say, for the record, that I'm pushing all my chips in for The Reader. Now, this is not quite fair in that I haven't seen Slumdog Millionare, Frost/Nikon, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. But I like to have a strong feeling coming out of the gate from which I can gauge. The truth is, I've seen the Reader because I was compelled to see it. I accept that I may be pleasantly surprised by Frost/Nixon (and more than a little sad that I can't see it with my brother who certainly would have been interested) and am open to overcoming the overly-cutesy title of the Brad Pitt/Cate Blanchet film. I will Slumdog Millionare (because I make it a point to see all the nominees each year) but I did not like Crash, and it's by the same people.

So we'll see...